decorative circles

Respectful relationships

Resources and Further Reading

Evidence Base

Evidence Base
  1. Evidence paper: Respectful relationships education in schools, Our Watch
  2. Respectful Relationships Education in School: The Beginnings of Change - Final Evaluation Report, Our Watch
  3. FINAL_RRTSP Overall Evaluation Report.2
  4. RRTSP Embedded Case Study Evaluation
  5. RRE Stocktake & Gap Analysis Report

Resources for Parents

Resources for Parents
  2. The Excuse Interpreter – a resource to help us discover the hidden meanings of common expressions that can excuse disrespectful behaviour towards girls
  3. The Respect Checklist – shows a range of views from girls and boys about respect to provide a picture of what young people might believe and how they could react to disrespectful behaviour.
  4. The Conversation Guide – a practical guide for parents to have conversations with young people about respect.
  5. Generation Respect – a practical guide for talking to other adults about raising respectful young people.

Resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

Resources for Aboriginal  and Torres Strait Islander People
  1. Speak up booklet – a resource to help encourage and support people to speak up about disrespectful attitudes by having conversations about respectful relationships with the young people in their community.
  2. Respect starts with us – a storybook to help model how to address disrespectful behaviour and start the conversation about showing respect to women and girls.
  3. Respecting women and girls: Talking with our young people – a conversation guide to talk with young people about respect. Short guides include: Be ready to talk, Starting the talk, and Keep yarning.
  4. Understanding our excuses – a guide to learn about ways we overlook disrespectful behaviour towards women and girls without knowing it.
  5. The respect checklist – a practical checklist to help parents and family members identify some aspects of respect to talk about with children.

Resources for Schools

Resources for Schools

Teaching and learning:

  1. Growing and Developing Healthy Relationships (GDHR)
  2. Background teacher notes – respectful relationships
  3. Learning activities: Kindergarten – Year 10
  4. RELATE: Respectful relationships education program Years 7 – 10
  5. Victoria State Government Teach respectful relationships
  6. Tasmania State Government Respectful Relationships

Policy and practice:

  1. Our Watch
  2. School respectful relationships education commitment statement
  3. Respectful relationships education gender equality policy template

School culture and environment:

  1. Our Watch
  2. School baseline assessment tool: Staff
  3. School baseline assessment tool: Student (primary school)
  4. Student baseline assessment template (secondary school)

Community Partnerships

Community Partnerships

Here is a list of organisations you can connect with to support your implementation.

  • Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing
  • The peak body for women’s specialist family and domestic violence, community-based women’s health and sexual assault services in Western Australia.Stopping Family Violence
  • Stopping Family Violence
  • The peak body, non-for-profit organisation in Western Australia developed in order to support all the sectors and services involved responding to perpetrators of Family and Domestic Violence (FDV).
  • Langford Aboriginal Association
  • A not-for-profit community organisation which delivers programs to benefit the local Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal community.
  • Australian Red Cross Perth
  • Delivery Roads2Respect, a program providing family and domestic violence education to students in years 7 to 10. The program is specifically tailored to students from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds.

Professional Learning

Professional Learning